Lydia Shook, MD

Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Investigator in the Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology

Massachusetts General Hospital

Dr Shook received her undergraduate and medical degrees from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and completed residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale-New Haven Hospital. She completed the Maternal-Fetal Medicine fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital in 2021, during which time she joined the Edlow lab as a Vincent Research Fellow to explore how maternal exposures and disease states, such as obesity, might affect fetal development through placental inflammation and immune activation. She was awarded the BWH/MGH NICHD WRHR (Women’s Reproductive Health Research) Faculty Career Development Award to support her work with the Edlow Lab investigating the impact of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy.

Twitter: @LydiaShook10

More on Lydia Shook’s work & publications


Grace Huang M.D.